ShadowAngels 2.5 gallon reef
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Here I will list every event that happens to this little tank:
Do to the nature of the trade- things happen constently to the tank and here I will try to update you on the progress and present state of my tank.

Tank at 12/01/02
Here is up to date all the info and changes to the little tank that I have made:

11/24/02   Planned the building of the tank
11/25/02-11/29 Constructed Stand and Display for tank out of scraps of wood (plans to follow see DIY).
11/30/02   Decide to go all out and set up tank "dry".
11/30/02   Lost control and while out getting toothpaste for dorm I got sidetracked an bought 3lb of live rock, and 3lb of live sand, saddly I forgot to get toothpaste.
12/01/02   I have to go back to school for two weeks for finals. Im leaving the tank home and getting that completely cycled while im 2 hours away. I fear the tank might be doomed in the hands of my parents.

12/17/02    Got home and noticed that the tank wasnt toped off as much as i would have liked- but oh well, what are yah gonna do?
12/18/02   Had to go to work today and did not get out till 3, but when i did i went strait to the store to pick up a new 50/50 pc bulb, And a good ol' clean up crew. 1 Pepperment Shrimp, 5 snails, 5 crabs, and 2 well im not sure what they are but they do a good job

Tank at 12/17/02